Meet Guest Blogger Sheri Kaye Hoff: Keys to Living Joyfully

Why Aren’t You Achieving Your Goals and Living a Joyful Life?

You may be thinking that you are doing many of the right things to create a successful and happy life. You work hard at your career, you are involved with family and friends, you cultivate a spiritual life,  and you even give back to the community through donating your time and your money. Then, you ask yourself why you are not achieving goals or feeling happy. Perhaps you are even angry and are not sure why.

If you are feeling angry, ask yourself if there is someone you need to forgive or maybe you need to forgive yourself. You may think that someone has committed a great injustice to you, but this is the exact situation where you need to forgive. Holding onto grudges hurts you-not the other person. Grudges block happiness and success.

You may even think that you do quickly forgive people and then are suddenly confronted with the reality that you have held onto a grudge. Let this go immediately. Forgive the person. Forgive yourself. Let go and let peace rush into your heart. I find in my own life that I am stubborn at times about forgiving people. The larger the hurt, the more stubborn I can be. Over the last few years, I have begun to realize that this only hurts me.

If you are running into roadblocks to success, examine your heart and consider if you need to forgive.  Sometimes when I am pondering over the people in my life right before I go to bed; I wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning knowing  who the person is that I need to forgive.  I create a visualization of forgiveness that helps me truly feel that I have released the person.  I picture the person standing in a room with dozens of roses and an armful of roses. The person has tears in his or her eyes and asks to be forgiven. Of course my heart melts right away. I am not saying that people need to ask for you to forgive them and I am not saying that people earn forgiveness. My mental picture merely helps me feel the feelings of forgiveness. I, then, feel light and free. I have opened myself to the good in life.

I talk more about this concept in my book, Keys to Living Joyfully.

My hope for you today is that you will forgive, feel peaceful, and open your life to good by releasing grudges and resentment. I wish for you to have a truly joyful life.

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Life Coach

Sheri’s website:

Author of Keys to Living Joyfully


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