brought to you by Bradley:CHERYL WYATT:A Soldier’s Promise

Long ago and far away when I first dared to admit to others I was writing more than lesson plans for school, I found Cheryl in an online writers’ group. For almost four years, Cheryl has devoted herself not only to her craft, but to uplifting  everyone whose lives are fortunate enough to be hovering near hers. She has encouraged me, listened to me whine, and prayed for me; usually all in one telephone conversation. I admire her firm conviction in God’s timing, and her willingness to step out in faith. I am truly excited to be able to introduce Cheryl’s book on my blog. It’s not often that we can share in the seed of someone’s dream and be able to witness it blossom. 
21gie2sbgsl.jpgPssst!! Hey people! This is eight-year-old Bradley…Cheryl Wyatt‘s child character from her first book, A Soldier’s Promise. Shhh….don’t tell her I snuck in here and took over her post for today on Christa’s blog.
Hey, did you know Christa writes almost as good if not better than Cheryl? Shhh! Don’t tell her I said that neither. Forgive me if I ain’t usin’ good grammer or spelling. Miss Harker from the book says it’s cuz I use to live in a dugout….errr….or was that a drug house? Anyway I just wanted to zip in here and say you should all go out and get this book…well, because it feetures adorable ME!
Cheryl tries to say she doesn’t put much of herself into her characters…but I hafta tell you a secret. You know how Amber in A Soldier’s Promise is kinda techno logically challenged? Well….cherylistoo…but you didn’t hear that from me. Nuh-uh. She’s like Amber…she knows just enuf to pose a danger to her hard drive and her sanity. That’s how come I can hijack her post. He he he. See, in the picture she’s trying to think her story by osmosis. He he! Not really, just joshin’ ya.
So anyway, you gotta get this book. I’m sirius. Me and Psychokitty are the best things goin’ since….peanut butter. That’s me hugging Joel on the cover. Ain’t I cute?
Speaking of peanut butter, if, after reading mine and Joel and Amber’s story, anyone can tell me my favorite brand of peanut butter….and post it here on Christa’s blog by Valentine’s Day…..I will pester Cheryl until she sends the first person who guesses it right an autographed copy of my buddy Manny’s story in March.
OH! OH! Almost forgot the best part…Cheryl‘s GIVING AWAY an iPod in a contest. Chances to win are only for people who prescribe to her newsletter on her Web site. Or is that subscribe? Anyway, you sign up in the little yellow box that says “Join Cheryl Wyatt‘s Author Mailing List” and the info will come in her January newsletter. I wish I could enter!!! But she says characters aren’t elagible, eligible, elergerble…able to enter.
Okay…I think I hear Cheryl comin’ gotta run!
Bradley from A Soldier’s Promise
Oh..and did you know my story is winning awards and stuff? Okay, well ONE award so far.  Or at least I heard Cheryl screeching about it. She said it got a Top Pick from Row Man Tick Times. Purty cool, eh? I know it’s ’cause of me because I’m so cute and all.
Day-ay-ay!!! I mean HONK! She’s here….BYE!
Bradley left so quickly he forgot to mention A Soldier’s Family , the next book in the Wings of Refuge series, will be available in March.

6 thoughts on “brought to you by Bradley:CHERYL WYATT:A Soldier’s Promise

  1. I love it!! Great post, Bradley. 😉

    I loved Cheryl’s book!! I wish I could say I had something to do with it, that I had seen it from the beginning. So Christa, you’re one lucky gal!

    Great blog, by the way.

  2. All the characters in the book are just great. I’m glad to hear from Bradley. It is surprising since he is so adorable that he hasn’t gotten a family of his own before this story began! To all who get this book, A Soldier’s Promise, happy reading! To all who have already read this one and are chomping at the bit to read the next one by Cheryl Wyatt, I hope you know the name of that peanut butter they are talking about. I’ll be back to tell you by this evening unless someone else says it first. Happy reading!

  3. You did a great job Bradley! I knew you could.

    Christa, you described Cheryl so well. She let me whine about contest scores and tactfuly told me which comment to take to heart. I know I can count on her.

    I think God smiled the day He created this incredible woman.

  4. OK. February 14 is coming fast and I see NO ONE has entered this contest with the guess for correct brand of Bradley’s favorite peanut butter. The contest is: “the first person who guesses it right an autographed copy of my buddy Manny’s story in March.” I have to tell you, I’m in for the long haul… I’m waiting till close to time and then there is nothing for me to do but to answer. Anyone with that guess better hurry up. I feel like a relay race and I’m the last one in line waiting for the baton. Thanks for the post, it has been real fun.
    cepjwms at yahoo dot com

  5. In Bradley’s interview he said, “Speaking of peanut butter, if, after reading mine and Joel and Amber’s story, anyone can tell me my favorite brand of peanut butter….and post it here on Christa’s blog by Valentine’s Day…..I will pester Cheryl until she sends the first person who guesses it right an autographed copy of my buddy Manny’s story in March.”

    Well, I am SO looking forward to reading the next book, I guess I have to write and let you all know Bradley’s favorite peanut butter is Peter Pan.

    I have SO MUCH enjoyed these interviews!!


    cepjwms at yahoo dot com

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